From the noble family Buqouy to the Family of Mary

The Monastery of the Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady – formerly the Monastery of St. Peter and Paul of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary – was built in the neighbourhood of the church of St. Peter and Paul in Nové Hrady by the local noble family Buquoy. In 1677 count Ferdinand Buquoy brought the friars of the Servites also called the Servants of Mary here. The construction of an early-baroque monastery started in the following year and was completed in 1686.
The newly-built monastery, whose main mission was caring for the parish of Nové Hrady and the surrounding villages, was integrated into the Czech province of the Order of the Servants of Mary. The province consisted of eight monasteries scattered through out Bohemia and Moravia. Their golden age ended during the time of reforms of the emperor Joseph II., in which six of these monasteries were dissolved. In the 19th century only the monastery in Nové Hrady and in Králiky in eastern Bohemia remained. The monastery in Králiky was dissolved due to the lack of friars in 1883 and the same fate threatened the convent in Nové Hrady.
There was a radical reform in the convent of Nové Hrady in 1886: The Czech province of the Order of the Servants of Mary was dissolved and the monastery in Nové Hrady was incorporated into the province of Tyrol, whose members came to live in the monastery. At that time the monastery in Nové Hrady began to prosper but this prosperity ended after the WW2 when 10 of the 12 friars had to leave because of their German or Austrian origin. The two remaining Czech friars were, as all friars in the former Czechoslovakia, driven out of their monastery during the night from the 13th to the 14th of April in 1950.

From that time on the monastery in Nové Hrady served as a barrack for a crew of frontier police of the Czechoslovakia People’s Army. The crew left the monastery in 1987 and the monastery complex that was totally ruined was left to its own destiny. In 1990, after the fall of the iron curtain, the last of the Czech friars of the Servites was still living, Father Kazimír Jindra. Thanks to this him, the Order of the Servants of Mary was able to ask for the reversion of its former property.
In the following years three friars were sent to Nové Hrady by the Order of the Servants of Mary – Fr. Bonfilius M. Wagner, Fr. Gerhard M. Walder and Fr. Vittoria M. Antollovič. Together they managed to realize an admirable piece of work during 1990’s. They, with the help of many volunteers were able to restore the monastery Nové Hrady. At the same time as the Servites were restoring the monastery and church, the pilgrimage place in Dobrá Voda and other churches and chapels in the region, they also experienced a renewal in the spiritual life. The monastery became the spiritual and cultural center of the Nové Hrady region again.

By 2005 only one of the three priests, Father Bonfilius Wagner, was still living but he was also getting older and he started to be concerned about who would take over the management of the monastery and the parishes. His order, the Servants of Mary, didn’t have enough friars to be able to staff the monastery in Nové Hrady. So the care of the monastery in Nové Hrady was entrusted to the Papaly acknowledged Catholic Missionary Community, the Family of Mary. This occurred on the 30 of September 2006 – the Monastery of St. Peter and Paul was dissolved and on the next day Family of Mary took over the management of the monastery in Nové Hrady. From that day on the monastery has a new name:
The Monastery of The Divine Mercy.
Mission of The Monastery of The Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady
The Monastery of The Divine Mercy located in Nové Hrady in South Bohemia is owned and managed by the Papaly acknowledged catholic missionary community – Family of Mary. It is a non-profit organisation registred in the Register of the Legal Persons by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The task and mission of the Family of Mary is taking care of the pastoral needs and events and the material management of the monastery and the surrounding parishes of Nové Hrady, Horní Stropnice, Dobrá Voda, Rychnov and Hojná Voda. The center of all activities is the Monastery of the Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady.
The main points of the pastoral activity and material management include:
- Administration of the sacraments
- Support of spiritual life
- Charity
- The development of an environment for people to meet.
- Cultural and educational activities
- Care for guests
- The management of the cultural heritage of our ancestors
Sacramental service
At the monastery and in the surrounding parishes the following sacraments are celebrated (the celebration of mass – eucharist, the sacrament of reconciliation, annointing of the sick, matrimony, baptism and confirmation). The sacraments are signs of God´s love which assist individuals in their spiritual progress and their growth in holiness.
Support of spiritual life
Spiritual life and principles of the Christian life, which our culture comes from, grow and are fixed by spiritual guidance. At the Monastery of The Divine Mercy spiritual exercises, as well as chatechism classes are offered. You can even take part in a pilgrimage and there is the possibilty for personal prayer or to participate in the liturgy of the hours.
Service to your fellow man is one of the main principles of the Christian life. The Monastery in Nové Hrady is a regional center for charitable collections. The monsatery also organizes a special collection on feast of the Epiphany. The money is then used to help those in need.
The development of the environment for meeting people
Christianity is based on the personal relationship of man with God. Between man and God there should be a friendship which is then reflected in the relationship between man and other people. One needs the company of other people for his or her happiness. At the Monastery of The Divine Mercy we create an environment for people of the prayer community to meet on a regular basis – Vincence community, children, youth and all people of good will.
Cultural and educational activities

The Monastery of The Divine Mercy is open for all people who desire and strive for positive human values. The monastery in Nové Hrady is the organizes different cultural and educational programs including creative workshops, ceramic club, mommies club, excursions, concerts, exhibitions, lectures and foreign language classes.
Care for guests
„Guest with us, God with us,“ says an old Czech proverb. The coming visitor is perceived as a unique creature of God to whom the monastery offers the opportunity for the renewal of physical and spiritual self. We offer accommodation in 21 rooms with 67 beds in the tranquil environment of the easteren and western wings of the building. Also available are the baroque refectory for up to 100 boarders, a library, a beautiful garden and the monastery chapel.
The management of the cultural heritage of our ancestors
The monastery in Nové Hrady as well as most administred churches and rectories is a cultural monument carrying the cultural heritage of our ancestors. If they are well cared for and maintained, which is the goal here in our monstery, they will remain open not only to the present but also for the coming generations.
The Monastery of The Divine Mercy perfoms its function as a spiritual and cultural centre of the region of Nové Hrady.
Guided tours of St. Peter and Paul

The church is freely accessible in July and August. Guided tours during these months take place only on weekends on request of the guide and are free of charge. The guide will give you more information at the entrance to the church. On Saturdays there is Holy Mass from 8.00 am and on Sundays from 9.00 am. There will be an opportunity to tour the church after Mass. On weekdays, adoration begins in the church at 4.20pm followed by Holy Mass. At this time the church is of course open for prayer, not for a tour of the church.
Thank you for your understanding.
We reserve the right to change the times of tours and free access to the church according to the current schedule.
If you would like a guided tour on a weekday, please call +420 603 857 888.
Guided or unguided tours of the Church of Our Lady of the Consolation in Dobrá Voda

are available individually every day, the church is permanently accessible. Please do not disturb entry during the services, which are every day from 10am to about 11am (Wednesday from 7am and Sunday from 13.30 to 16.00). Wednesday is the Eucharistic adoration all day, please be considerate. Please be aware that you are entering a sacred area – the church is designed primarily for prayer and silence. Please adapt your clothes accordingly.
For groups of 5 persons it is possible to arrange a guided tour in advance with the sisters from the Family of Mary on the phone number +420 386 321 678 or +420 730 161 196.